Thursday, May 13, 2010

Silver Lining in Housing Project

It has been almost 10 months since the decision was made to purchase a piece of land in Saratoga. This housing project has really pushed our marriage in many ways. These last couple days I finally realized that I had a choice to make on what attitude I would use to deal with it. The troublesome neighbor, the hairing tree issue, more drawing problems etc etc. - all mount to the end result of continual delay of it being built. Meanwhile costing us $ to continue to rent and pay property tax. Yes, if I choose to focus on the short term financial impact, I am going to go nuts. So, I need to not think about that. It has hindered me from being supporting of my husband and I don't think that's what God intends for us. As much as I do not agree with re-building a house, the fact remains. So, I need to choose to accept it. If for nothing else, this experience has forced us to face some of the fundamental problem in our marriage. I pray that we will really grow from it. One thing I realize that helps me is whenever I am tempted to loathe about financial impact, I need to remind myself 2 things: 1 - do I still have something extra to bless others; 2 - do I have my health to do so. As long as I have those two, the rest is what I don't need.

So, yes, this house will be built whenever it is built. There is no need for me to fret about it - as long as I still have those 2 other things.

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