Thursday, March 31, 2011

At Eli's birthday party

The perk of a sibling is one gets to tag along to her brother's friend's birthday party. Katelyn went with Ryan to Eli's last Saturday. She actually couldn't play all that much since the Pump it Up place is really for older kids. But after a short time of resisting, she still enjoyed hanging around the place. On occasion, she got inside the air filled bouncy thing and seemed to enjoy it!

As for Ryan, he was probably the oldest in the party. He just went all out as one would expect a boy would do in that kind of a place - going up and down the gigantic (to me it was) slides, jumping all around the place. He sure had a good time.

Katelyn's typical weekday activity

Katelyn's typical week is very mellow. We usually take it easy at home after we drop off the brother at school. Only on Wed/Thurs when I have bible study that she gets to have play group fun for a couple hours. She doesn't even get to go to library story time due to conflicts. Even the park is a rare place to visit. Poor kid, feels like she is a bit deprived. But she seems happy nevertheless :).

After Ryan gets off school, she is usually the busy body while the brother tries to do his homework. Then of course, Ryan uses her as excuse of why he is slow in completing it. When piano lesson starts again, I will have to drag her with us to church for practice before going home to homework. Now that Ryan has baseball, she will have to come with us for practice in the afternoon as well.

So, yes, she doesn't have a schedule built around her but rather she just has to fit in everyone else's.

A busy Sunday

Despite the great weather here, we don't get to enjoy it as much as we should or want to. A typical weekend is normally filled with scheduled activities which leaves hardly any time for a day trip. Here was his schedule last Sunday...

8:00 am get to choir practice for a special morning service performance (ouch!)
11:00 am make it to church in time to teach Children worship
1:00 pm Chinese school
after chinese school, he usually has a playdate with another kid until choir.
6:00 pm normal choir performance

If the kids are not tired by the end of the day, the adults are. If we stay here, I hope to modify weekend schedule so that it will allow some family time just to go explore the area, again.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

HK - A day at Mei Foo

It was great being able to hook up with Stanley and let the kids hang out. We all met up at Mei Foo on our way to see Queenie's baby.

I was surprised how well these two got along. I think having Jane there helped them unite as a team. I am told they would pick on her together.

In a spur of a moment, I thought of taking this picture. Though we couldn't get them all smiling but it is still great!

As you can tell, uncle Joshua actually joined in for the family affairs. Here is the new baby Nathan.

HK - Hiking

On a Sunday New Year 2nd day, we went on a hike just nearby the apt. We took the kids along and they were all troopers! We walked pass some lion dance and finally arrive at Shum Jan where it is known for its BBQ geese.

But as you can tell, my dad chose to eat at an Indian place. Yes, I kid you not. He just wanted to try something he liked so we just let him, as usual.

HK Trip - New Year

It has been over a month since we came back from the asia trip. There are a number memorable things to jot down before I forget them all.

A week before we leave, I managed to move up the departure date so that we would arrive on chinese new year eve. It turned out to be a great decision. We enjoyed the festivity of the flower market and we were able to get up early on new year morning to 'bai nin' at my dad's new apt. It was strange to experience it cause the last time I celebrated chinese new year was like 20+ yrs ago! I could hardly remember what we did as a family but I was only a kid then. Now, to bring my own family to greet my dad is something very new to me. It was definitely great to see Ryan experienced it.