Saturday, May 30, 2009

All Things are indeed possible....

Yesterday Mandy called at her usual time and passed on the good news about the birth of Queenie's baby boy. At the time, I was just relieved and joyful to hear about the safe and fast (20 min!) delivery; but I awoke this morning and God reminded me something deeper to rejoice. This little one was born 2 weeks early and barely made it in the month of May. I remember Mandy mentioned about how it would be bitter sweet for the parents that the baby's due date was around the same time as baby nichelle's passing. Isn't God so gracious? I just cannot help but tear up thinking about that. Not only is He gracious in blessing them with this baby boy so soon after what happened but even right down to the birth-He timed it so perfectly. Now the family can have time and space to remember his sister while being free to rejoice for the newborn. Honestly, I didn't even pray to that detail but hey who am I to know =). I hope the parents too will see the hands of God in all of these blessings.

May 29
Impossible Flowers
"For with God nothing shall be impossible" (Luke 1:37). Far up in the Alpine hollows, year by year God works one of His marvels. The snow-patches lie there, frozen with ice at their edge from the strife of sunny days and frosty nights; and through that ice-crust come, unscathed, flowers that bloom.
Back in the days of the by-gone summer, the little soldanelle plant spread its leaves wide and flat on the ground, to drink in the sun-rays, and it kept them stored in the root through the winter. Then spring came, and stirred the pulses even below the snow-shroud, and as it sprouted, warmth was given out in such strange measure that it thawed a little dome in the snow above its head. Higher and higher it grew and always above it rose the bell of air, till the flower-bud formed safely within it: and at last the icy covering of the air-bell gave way and let the blossom through into the sunshine, the crystalline texture of its mauve petals sparkling like snow itself as if it bore the traces of the flight through which it had come.
And the fragile thing rings an echo in our hearts that none of the jewel-like flowers nestled in the warm turf on the slopes below could waken. We love to see the impossible done. And so does God. Face it out to the end, cast away every shadow of hope on the human side as an absolute hindrance to the Divine, heap up all the difficulties together recklessly, and pile as many more on as you can find; you cannot get beyond the blessed climax of impossibility. Let faith swing out to Him. He is the God of the impossible. --Selected

Friday, May 22, 2009


Finally on May 20th, we had our first look at the tummy. Dr. Inouye looked a bit older to me this time around. He still remembers Mandy and her complication as well as her move to overseas. His only son, also named Ryan, is quite a handsome mixed 7 yrs old.

The machine is more advanced than when I remember it. He said it produced better ultrasound pictures. After moving a couple times across the tummy, he found the sac with the little baby wiggling inside. Of course, the big head dominates and one could barely see the extremities. But he said it's definitely there. Then he proceeded to measuring it and it read 9 wks 2 days which is just a day from actual. He also confirmed the due date to be Dec 22. It would be an interesting one to get to stay home longer. He handed 3 pictures to us in the end.

Then he went on to explain all the latest blood tests related to genetic diseases. Things sure have changed alot in the past few years.

I am just thankful that things are going so far so good. Let it be as unevenful as last time, well except during labor. Little Ryan took about 16 hrs to come out.

We went back to affirm the people we told that things are going fine. I didn't know that one other lady had been praying for us; so a friend of mine related the news. I am grateful that God has provided people to have a heart to pray for us.

This long weekend we are kinda free to ourselves since most of his friends are going to the spring retreat. We might end up exploring Angel Island and hope to find a place to stay overnight. When I am off next week, there are plenty of things to take care of - one of which is to plan for his birthday party!

Life continues.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Busy Weekend

When it comes to end of the school years, everything seems to happen all at the same time. This weekend is definitely packed with activities. Music school performance, choir practice and then performance, Awana award ceremony, and on top of that I happened to schedule the pedicure treat with Suszan and My on the same weekend. Of course, I also had to book Rena, who just came back from China, for a steak dinner on Sunday night. In between all that, I had to buy a pair brand new white shoes for his choir. With bargaining mindset ingrained in me, I had to make a couple trips to stretch my buck. So, needless to say now we are glad that we can finally lie down for a breather. The thought of going to work tomorrow is definitely not welcoming.

Speaking of Awana, it was great to have the privilege to hand out awards to these kids. Most of them were excited to have their name called and some even jumped up to get the award. I am just drawn by the innocence and purity of this age. I know I will miss them and esp. Ryan at this age. Praise God also that He has brought someone who would be interested in taking over Cubbie for me. God truly provides, at the right time.

Ryan's music performance went pretty well. He definitely was better prepared at the choir one cause at least he did not freeze on stage and was actually enjoying himself singing and doing the motions. Seeing the big kids do the musical afterwards, I actually was moved to tears as they sang their hearts out praising God. Perhaps I was subconciously imagning Ryan being in it one day.

Finally, we are down to counting down days to see Dr. Inouye. I still have bad thoughts but I try not to dwell on it. It's all in His hands anyways. So hope it all goes well. Nowadays, I just need a lemon drink in my hand whenever the hormones kicks in. I am so thankful too that in another week there will be shutdown. I am grateful beyond words for the forced time off; I would have never thought when I went back to work such a thing would be possible. But He made it possible. This part time job is perfect for me at this time. Thank God!

I have also been praying for a couple things is for salvation of my in-laws' family as well as my dad. Another one is for true born again experience for Josh and also for him to have a wife who fears the Lord. I know my dad feels very helpless when it comes to his private life; and I told him that just like me pray for him. I am very frank about that with Josh as well. If he has any fear in the Lord, he would know that God will do something. I just wish he would pursue God with the energy that he pursue the world.

I also try to remember praying for Queenie who is due in a month. What a difference a year makes. We recommended Nathan - Gift of God to mankind for the baby boy's name. Truly he is a gift from above that is meant to comfort them. God surely does not let us go through things beyond what we can endure. Pray for smooth delivery and healthy first year.

I should get back to doing other mindless things to relax before I go to bed.


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Bloating big time

On Friday, I made a smoothie juice in the morning intended to be consumed right a way. But I didn't get to it until after work. So, I just chucked it before dinner thinking I should at least filled my stomach with good stuff. Then Charles made a fish head hotpot and lobster (he remembered me saying we weren't going out to eat, so he was smart enough to buy some good food to cook). I ate a couple bowls of soups and fish etc. Afterwards, oh my goodness, my stomach just ballooned up like I was 4 months. I had to pace around and finally I told Charles we needed to take a Costco trip to buy some stuff and allow me walk some more. I got prune juice and dried plum to make sure I am regular in the meantime. The bloated stomach symptom is definitely one I don't recall to experience so early on. As I read more on the internet, half of the women suffered from it. It is hormone related and the only thing one can do is to eat less amount and make sure digestion system is flowing. But boy that sensation is so uncomfortable that it is hard to just sit for a long time.

I must say the sense of taste is affected more strongly this time. My craving is between hot/spicy and sour. Kimchi is my friend and funny that I actually read about it contains some good probiotics and it is good for pregnant women. I couldn't resist a spicy ramen bowl this morning for breakfast (no desire for bread or other stuff). I have also had my eyes set on a bowl of seafood spicy noodles and finally got my treat on Sat for lunch. But I didn't think it was spicy enough so I might have to go back to chef lu next week. Today, Charles thought up to make hot and sour soup. You gotta give him credit sometimes. It hit the spot. I even have enough left over for a couple lunches!

I don't know how long I can hide this from work. But for as long as I can I suppose. I am just amazed at the timing of it all. I still remember having a little worry about once I started to work, when should I start trying so that I won't leave too early and not wait too long to try etc. I guess God already had it all planned out.

Now I just pray that I will be able to switch my time off so that I can carry out the VBS in June.