Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Living to the fullest

Since the life-death week that I experienced a couple weeks ago, I am definitely more conscious about letting things go while capturing what is truly important in life. At the end of last week, I got up on a Saturday morning unusually early and I was just filled with the urge to talk to my family in HK. I called my cousin who just had a baby and then her mom. It was good to know that they are doing fine and just excited about the new born. Then my last call was to my dad. The fellowship I had the night before with the Valley ladies reminded me about forgiveness does not start until someone says sorry. I asked God to help me so I mustered up some courage (yea it takes some guts to do it) and called my dad. Just told him I was sorry about the way I acted the other day on the phone. He just brushed it off as if he didn't mind about it. I guess that's how we made up.

Osward Chambers “We are not here to prove God answers prayer; we are here to be living monuments of God’s grace.”

I read yesterday the quote above and it really just hit me how often time we as christians focused so much on the first part and forgetting the second part. There is no need for us to prove if God answers prayer; because He does and just may not be the answer we like some times. However, the latter part is really up to us to choose whether to live as a testement to His grace especially while prayers are not answered or while prayers are denied. I know it is hard to do and yet that's the ultimate way to transcent the most painful trial that we may be in.

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