Monday, June 7, 2010

Little Baby steps

Katelyn continues to be a joy. She is almost 6 months now. Lately, I realize that she cannot roll over yet. I know full why the reason behind the delayed motor skills - she has been held too much! So, I have been trying to institute daily tummy time and the little one sure doesn't like it. She would have her hands on her sides and thus being coined a nickname 'guai guai' by the dad. She is progressing nevertheless and I just hope she will gain the skill by the time we see her doctor!

Last week, she has her 2nd bout of virus attack. It was a mild one even though she did have a light fever. When I noticed something strange in her poopy diaper, I was worried sick. Since it seemed to be diarrhea and I know how tricky that could be. Sometimes I wonder how I was so naive when Ryan went through a case of food poisoning from me while we were in HK at 6 months of age!!! He even threw up violently back then. I guess since then I have just heard too many tragic stories of some very common illnesses. I just really need to pray more and keep a balanced perspective. Thankfully, she recovered within a day. But soon enough, the rest of the family started showing cold symptoms! Ryan was kept home today because of it but thank goodness we are all on the road to recovery as well.

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