Monday, June 7, 2010


Sometimes you never know what you will learn browsing through facebook. I was just thinking of a family who I consider really beautiful people. So, I searched for them on facebook and I noticed most of the photos were not there anymore. What caught my eyes were a link to carepages which I know it frequently used as a sharing platform for people who have serious illnesses. Out of curiosity, I dug up my old password and login and started searching and what I found shocked and saddened me.

My friends - really acquaintances - have two beautiful daughters and I know they have had a share of fertility issues. The carepage was for their 2nd daughter and it recorded the journey of the diagnosis of her inoperable tumor (by her own physician dad) and her courage to live to the end. She left at the age of 7. I am sure I would be saddened for anyone who dies young but this hit home harder probably because I had met her before. The parents seem to be very strong and have been dealing with it with tremendous faith. I hope and pray that her wish to have another child will come true.

On the other hand, as I reflect on the loss of this young life, it reminds me that while we so concerned ourselves with the things of this world that our children need to learn (be it academic, music, or sports), perhaps we should keep in mind to ensure their spiritual life and salvation is secured as early as possible. It also darned on me just now that as a teacher of preschoolers, I have a huge responsibility in leading these kids to the truth. That is something not being taken lightly. May the Lord help me and constantly remind me of the important mission.

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