Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Positive Mom and Wife

Positive wife and mom…

Just started reading this book that Linda gave me years ago called ‘Power of a Positive Wife’. I never bother reading it cause I knew what she would say. I still don’t feel the closeness as he and I chat on the phone. I mean I don’t even want to talk for long cause things I know I should ask/chitchat about, for some reason, my lips just would not budge. Of course after started reading the book, I realize that I have not asked Him to help me for a long long time.

In spite of my spouse’s shortcomings, I need to be supportive. I realize Ryan takes after me when it comes to being a pessimist – I thought I lost a toy at a restaurant and when we went back to retrieve it and couldn’t find it, he said ‘Why did you leave it there?’ It is no surprise to me that he is like that but it strikes me that how I have been just like him to Charles! And it is annoying! So, I need to pray for my son and constantly remind him what not to say in an already bad situation. While I need to teach him to be positive, I must live it too.

Secondly, during my bout of sickness, he got to sleepover at the cousin’s house. His excitement in going there and lack of concern for my well-being was very disappointing to me. I could not figure out why. I thought he was a pretty loving son! Again, I realize that I really have not been positive with him like praising him for his first drawing after art class, asking him about his VBS, finding out about his time at the cousin’s? I did none of that!!! Granted this boy is no angel and he really is still quite self-centered; but in spite of that, I need to be a positive mom first.


after years of struggling to untangle the communication web in this family, I finally got it. They don’t talk or plan things as I thought or expected they would!! I need to do that part myself! I also realized that they don’t always have the answers, I can and need to hold my ground as well. After 11 years, you hope it is not too late.

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