Sunday, August 29, 2010


It is so true that one learns the most when they teach esp. when it comes to spiritual matters. This morning, I talked about the fruit of gentleness. The more I told the kids what it meant, the more I was convicted. The best definition I came across so far is gentleness is 'power under perfect control'. My biggest challenge is definitely when it comes to dealing with Ryan. His lazy eating habits (guess whose fault is that), his easily being distracted, etc etc. One truth that it came to me as I was teaching was that the other person is blinded to the truth when it is not told in a gentle way. How many times Ryan acted worse than before when I became loud about the truth I was trying to tell him. All I have to do is to change/lower my tone of voice and he would listen. argh! I need to pray more that I can keep that power under control. It is so hard not to lose it; but that's why I need to pray!

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