Monday, April 13, 2009

I am either careless or simply dangerous

You know I think I am both. I know I am not a person who pays attention to detail and in many occasions that have gotten me in terrible consequences. My rap sheet is getting longer and I am almost too embarassed to share. I guess it started with leaving stove on with a pot on it and I managed to repeat this feat 3 times. (Thank God this house still stands) I guess the worst one has to be THE incident where I cut a piece of my thumb off. (ouch! I look at it now and try to recall what it was like right after the incident, I am amazed at God's healing power). Then recently, I exploded a non-pyrex glass pot. Thankfully, I was spared of any serious injury; only that there are remnant of the explosion marked on the floor. Then tonight, I cut a little tiny bit of Ryan's ear skin as I was giving him a haircut. ARGH. I think I need to take away knifes/scissors or heat producing objects from myeslf.

I think taking even a step back, perhaps my problem is that I just need to slow down in whatever I do. Poor Ryan got this trait exactly from me. "I want it, I want it now!" and occasionally he would add "That's not fair!" to which I respond "Life is not fair, Ryan."

It is a constant battle to try to teach him delay gratification. We will have to be persistent for his own good in the long run. Meanwhile, let's pray for incident free the rest of 2009!

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